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Python Learning Key Note
- Authors
- Name
- Sean Wang
- @firemousefish
a = 2
It doesn't need decear variable type, and don't need ";" in the end boolean type will be T
rue and F
lase, first world is upper case.
a / b result will always be a float type
a = 2
b = 3.5
s = f"result is {a} and {b}"
f-string, put f in front of string can combine different type of variable into one string, in python, you can not use "+" to append different type after string, such "result" + a will generate error.
if x > 10:
print("x bigger than 10")
elif x == 10:
print("x is equal to 10")
print("x is smaller than 0")
if condition and else will folow with a ":"
5. logical operator
and or not, if x > 10 and x < 20, if not x == 10
6. list
color = ["red", "blue", "green"]
color[0] //red
color[-1] //green
color.append("yellow"); //[red, blue, green, yellow]
color.extend(["black", "white"]) //[red, blue, green, yellow, black, white]
for c in color:
for number in range(1, 3)
print(number) //1, 2
for number in range(1,5, 2)
print(number) //1, 3, 5
while number < 10:
number += 1
def myFunction(): //def for creating function and : in end of function name
"""Document string myfunction""" //this three " will put into doucment for this function
def setColor(color):
print(f"your color is {color}")
you can call function with setColor("red") or setColor(color = "red")
def getColor:
return color
9.scope and indentation
for above function, print hello and print here is in the same scope similar like
def myFunction() {
if move print("Here") allign with def like
def myFunction():
print is out side the myFunction scope and is not belong to part of the function. In python, indentation apply to everything scope including if else or for loop.
num = 2
def add():
num = 3
print(number) //2
in python if you use the same variable name inside a function, it will be another different local variable, so this print result will still be 2
if you want to access the global variable and change it
def add():
global num //declare a global num that tell the function num is exist somewhere outside the function
num = 3
local variable only happens inside fun, if it's in a condition statement, the variable is also see outside scope
num = 2
if num > 1:
another_num = 2
print(another_num) // here you will see another num is 2 because inside if scope the value is available outside.
in file color.py
mycolor = ["red","green", "blue"]
in file main.py
import color
// or from color import mycolor
students = {
"id1": "student1"
"id2": "student2"
print(students["id1"]) //student1
students["id3"] = "student3" //add id3 and student3 to dictionary
students["id2"] = "" //edit dictionary id2 to empty
empty_dictionary = {}
for key in students //for loop will only access the key here
print(key) //"id1" "id2"
print(students[key]) // "student1" "student2"
color = ("red", green, "blue")
print(color[1]) //print green
class Student:
def __init__(self, id): //constuctor
self.id = id
def input_name(self, name): //method
self.name = name
student = Student(1)